The Undersigned, duly authorised, have agreed on the following stipulation's.
The territory situated between the Maritza and the Greco-Turkish frontier described in Article 2 (2) of the Treaty of Peace dated this day, which is to be restored to Turkey, shall be handed dated this day, which is to be restored to Turkey, shall be handed over to the Turkish authorities on the 15th September, 1923, at the latest, provided that the ratification of the said Treaty by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey has been notified to the Greek Government by that date through the Allied High Commissioners at Constantinople. If that notification has not been made on the above-mentioned date, the transfer of the said territory shall take place within fifteen days from the notification.
The fact that the delimitation provided for in Article 5 of the Treaty of Peace shall not have been completed shall not delay the transfer of the above-mentioned territory to the Turkish authorities. In this event, the Greek and Turkish Governments shall proceed to a temporary delimitation on the spot of the line described in Article 2 (2) of the Treaty of Peace. This temporary delimitation shall be respected on both sides until the completion of the work of the Commission for which provision is made in Article 5 of the said Treaty.
The Greek inhabitants of Karagatch shall be subject to the exchange of populations for which provision is made in the Convention signer the 30th January, 1923, between Greece and Turkey. They shall benefit from the stipulation's of the said Convention, but they shall only be compelled to emigrate six months after the re-establishment of a state of peace between Greece and Turkey.
The withdrawal of the Greek troops and authorities from the islands of Imbros and Tenedos shall be carried out as soon as the Treaty of Peace signed this day shall have been ratified by the Greek and Turkish Governments. As soon as this withdrawal has taken place, the stipulation's of Article 14 of the said Treaty shall be applied by the Turkish Government.
No inhabitant of the territory mentioned in paragraph I of the present Protocol and no inhabitant of the islands mentioned in paragraph IV shall be disturbed or molested in Turkey under any pretext whatsoever on account of his military of political conduct or any assistance of any kind given by him to a foreign Power signatory of the Treaty of Peace signed this day or to the nationals of such Powers.
Full and complete amnesty shall be granted to all the inhabitants of the territory and islands mentioned in the preceding paragraph for all crimes and offences, whether political or under the ordinary law, committed before this day.
Done at Lausanne, the 24th July, 1923.
Horace Rumbold
Dr.Ryza Nour