The Governments of France, Great Britain and Italy, Allied Powers whose troops at present occupy certain portions of Turkish territory, and the Government of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, being equally desirous to give satisfaction without delay to the peaceful aspirations of their respective nations.
The Undersigned, being duly authorised, have agreed respectively to take the following measures:
As soon as the ratification of the Treaty of Peace and other instruments concluded at Lausanne by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey shall have been notified to the Allied Powers in the person of their High Commissioners at Constantinople, the troops of the said Powers shall proceed to the evacuation of the territories occupied by them.
This operation shall include the withdrawal of the British, French and Italian naval units stationed in the strait of the Dardanelles, the Sea of Marmore and the Bosphorus.
The operations of evacuation shall be completed within six weeks.
As the evacuation proceeds, moveable and immoveable property of every description in the evacuated territories which may be duly identified as belonging to the Turkish Government or to Turkish public departments, and which are at present occupied by the Allied authorities or in their possession, shall be restored to the Turkish Government.
All measures of sequestration and of requisition shall be terminated. In respect of such restitution's and releases, procés verbaux shall be drawn up, which will operate to a complete and final settlement of any claims.
The authorities of the occupying forces shall supply the Turkish Government with as complete an account as possible of all property, articles and material belonging to the said Government which may have been handed over to third parties, and especially to Turkish companies.
Debts resulting from contracts concluded between the occupying authorities and private individuals will be paid in the conditions prescribed in those contracts.
The warships, including the "Yavouz-Sultan-Selim", arms, munitions and other war material, formerly the property of the Ottoman Government, of which the Allied Powers have disposed under the Armistice Convention signed at Mudros on the 30th October, 1918, and which remain on the date of signature of the present Protocol in the hands of the authorities of the said Powers in Turkey, shall be restored to Turkey, within the period referred to in paragraph II, in their present state and in the places where they are.
The stipulation's of the Military Convention signed at Mudania on the 11th October, 1922, shall remain in force during the period referred to in paragraph II of the present Protocol.
The necessary measures to avoid any incident during the said period shall be taken by agreement between the Allied and Turkish military authorities.
The authorities of the occupying troops shall settle, by agreement with the Turkish authorities, all other questions which may arise from the evacuation operations.
Without waiting for the coming into force of the Treaty of Peace, the Turkish Government will confer on nationals of the Powers signatory to the said Treaty the privileges resulting from Articles 69, 72, 77 and 91 (although, as regards Articles 72 and 91, the prescribed periods shall not have begun to run), and from the Convention respecting conditions of residence and business. Similarly, the Turkish Government shall observe the stipulation's contained in Articles 137, 138 and 140 of the Treaty of Peace.
The British and Turkish Governments undertake respectively, pending the coming into force of the Treaty of Peace, to take no action which might modify the status quo which is to be maintained, under the third paragraph of Article 3(2) of the said Treaty, until the determination of the frontier.
The said Governments agree that the negotiations for which provision is made in the first paragraph of Article 3(2) of the Treaty of Peace, relating to the frontier between Turkey and Iraq, shall be commenced as soon as the evacuation operations mentioned in paragraph I above shall have been completed, and that the period of nine months referred to in the said first paragraph of Article 3(2) of the Treaty shall begin to run from the date on which the said negotiations commence.
Done at Lausanne, the 24th July, 1923.
Horace Rumbold
Dr.Ryza Nour
The Undersigned, acting in virtue of their full powers, declare as follows:
It is understood that, pending the coming into force of the Straits. Convention signed this day, the fleets of the three Allied Powers will retain full and complete liberty of passage through the Straits. The warships of the said Powers in transit through the Straits shall not, except in the event of damage or peril of the sea, remain therein beyond the time which is necessary for them to effect their passage, including the time of anchorage during the night, if necessary for safety of navigation.
Notwithstanding the stipulation's of paragraph I of the above Protocol, and until the coming into force of the Straits Convention signed this day, or until the 31st December, 1923, if the and Convention has not come into force by that date, the Turkish Government will raise no objection to the maintenance in the Straits by each of the three Allied Powers of one cruiser and two destroyers, which may be accompanied by the necessary vessels for coaling and revictualling; the latter vessels shall not fly the naval ensign.
The Undersigned draw attention to the fact that, as from the date of the coming into force of the Treaty of Peace signed this day, maritime cabotage and port services will be reserved to the Turkish national flag.
They desire, nevertheless, to state that, until the 31st December, 1923, those firms which, on the 1st January, 1923, carried on cabotage or port service in Turkey shall be allowed complete liberty to continue this business.
In any event until the 31st December, 1923, Turkey will, without discrimination in favour of any Power, grant to the vessels of the other Powers signatory of the Commercial Convention dated this day all facilities of navigation, access and commerce which are provided for by Section II of the Commercial Convention for the vessels, their cargoes and their passengers.
In making this Declaration, the Undersigned express the hope that the Treaty of Peace and other Instruments signed at Lausanne will come into force as soon as possible
Done at Lausanne, the 24th July, 1923.
Dr.Ryza Nour