The Under-signed, acting in virtue of their full powers, declare, in the name of the Greek Government, that there shall be no infringement of rights to property held by Moslem persons, who are not subject to the terms of the Convention respecting the Exchange of Populations, signed at Lausanne on the 30th January, 1923, and who have left Greece, including the Island of Crete, before the 18th October, 1912, or who have always resided outside Greece. Such persons will preserve their right to complete freedom as regards the disposal of their property.
Such arrangements and measures as may have been exceptionally taken or applied in regard to the property of the said Moslems shall be annulled. In the event of the revenues derived from such properties having been collected by the Greek Government or authorities without having been hitherto restored, or without having been the subject of special agreements between the Government and the interested parties, such revenues shall be paid to the owners. All claims respecting the revenues in question, and all claims based on an allegation by such persons that their rights had been infringed by an unfair application of measures of a general nature, shall be settled by the Commission, for which provision is made in the above-mentioned Convention, subject, nevertheless, to the condition that such claims shall be made within a period of six months from the entry into force of the Treaty of Peace signed this day. The said claims shall be examined at once by the Commission, in order that they may be settled within a year's time at the most from the coming into force of the said Treaty.
In view of the difficulties of a practical nature with which the above-mentioned persons might be confronted, by reason of their absence, as regards their right to dispose freely of their goods, the Greek Government agrees that they shall be able to take advantage, if they so desire, of the services of the above-mentioned Mixed Commission to dispose of their property. It is understood that in this event intervention on the part of the Mixed Commission will entail no obligation for the Greek Government to purchase the properties in question, and that the task of the Commission will be limited to facilitating the disposal thereof.
It is understood that the present Declaration is made on the condition that reciprocity shall be granted to Greek owners of property who have left Turkey before the 18th October, 1912, or who have always resided outside Turkey.
Done at Lausanne, the 24th July, 1923.