The High Contracting Parties, signatories of the Treaty of Peace dated this day, have agreed to admit Belgium and Portugal to accede to the stipulation's of Section I of Part II (Financial Clauses) and to the stipulation's of Part III (Economic Clauses) of the said Treaty, such accession taking effect at the same time and in the same conditions as the Treaty. They have similarly agreed to admit Belgium to accede, in the same conditions, to the Protocol dated this day relating to certain concessions granted in the Ottoman Empire.
Consequently, the High Contracting Parties take note of the Declarations of Accession made this day by the duly authorised representatives of Belgium and Portugal. As a result of these Declarations, and once they have come into force, the state of peace and official relations shall, in so far as necessary, be considered as re-established between Turkey on the one hand and each of these two Powers on the other.
Done at Lausanne, the 24th July, 1923.
Horace Rumbold
Dr.Ryza Nour
Declaration Signed by the Belgian Delegate
The Undersigned, after having produced to the Representatives of the Powers signatory of the Treaty of Peace dated this day his full powers, found in good and due form, declares by these presents that be accedes in the name of Belgium to the stipulation's of Section I of Part II (Financial Clauses) and to the stipulation's of Part III (Economic Clauses) of the said Treaty of Peace, as well as to the stipulation's of the Protocol dated this day regarding certain concessions granted in the Ottoman Empire.
This accession, which will re-establish official relations, shall take effect at the time and in the terms and conditions prescribed in the Protocol dated this day, by wheel the Powers signatory of the said Treaty of Peace have admitted Belgium to proceed to the present accession.
Done at Lausanne, the 24th July, 1923.
Fernand Peltzer
Declaration Signed by the Portuguese Delegate
The Undersigned, after having produced to the Representatives of the Powers signatory of the Treaty of Peace dated this day his full powers, found in good and due form, declares by these presents that he accedes in the name of Portugal to the stipulation's of Section I of Part II (Financial Clauses) and to the stipulation's of Part III (Economic Clauses) of the said Treaty of Peace.
This accession, which will re-establish the state of peace and official relations, shall take effect at the time and in the terms and conditions prescribed in the protocol dated this day, by which the Powers signatory of the said Treaty of Peace have admitted Portugal to proceed to the present accession.
Done at Lausanne, the 24th July, 1923.
A.M.Bartholombu Ferreira