The Governments of the British Empire, France and Italy, in agreement with the government of Japan, being desirous of finally re-establishing peace in the East, and having invited on the one hand Greece, Romania, the Serb-Croat-Slovena State, and also the United States of America, and on the other hand Turkey, to examine together the arrangements by which a result equally desired by all the nations might be achieved;
And considering further than among the subjects falling to be dealt with by this Conference the question of the Straits ought to be specially examined, Bulgaria and Russia, as littoral Powers of the Black Sea, being invited to participate in the negotiations and the decisions to be taken;
And having decided that Belgium and Portugal should be allowed to take part in the discussion on the economic and financial questions which arose for those two Powers from the state of war in the East;
In Consequence the delegates hereafter mentioned met at Lansanne:
For The British Empire:
The Most Honourable George Nathaniel, Marquess Curzen of Kedleston, K.G., G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs;
The Right Honourable Sir Horace George Montagu Rumbold, Baronet, G.C.M.G., High Commissioner at Constantinople;
For France:
M. Camille Barrere, Ambassador of the French Republic to His Majesty the King of Italy, Grand Cross of the National Order of the Legion of Honour;
M. Maurice Bompard, Senator, Ambassador of France, Grand Officer of the National Order of the Legion of Honour;
General Maurice Pellé, Ambassador of France, High Commissioner of the Republic in the East, Grand Officer of the National Order of the Legion of Honour;
For Italy:
The Honourable Marquis Camillo Garroni, Senator of the Kingdom, Ambassador of Italy, High Commissioner at Constantinople, Grand Cross of the Orders of Saints Maurice and Lazarus and of the Crown of Italy;
M.Giulio Cesare Montagna, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Athens, Commander of the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, Grand Officer of the Crown of Italy;
For Japan:
Baron Hayashi, Junii, First, Class of the Order of the Rising Sun, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary at Londor;
Mr. Kentaro Otchisi, Jusammi, First Class of the Order of the Rising Sun, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary at Rome;
For Greece:
M. Eleftherics K. Veniselos, formerly President of the Council of Ministers, Grand Cross of the Order of the Saviour;
M. Demetrios Caclamanos, Minister Plenipotentiary at London, Commander of the Order of the Saviour;
For Roumania:
M. Ion G. Duca, Minister for Foreign Affairs;
M. Constantine I. Diamandy, Minister Plenipotentiary
M. Constantine Centzesco, Minister Plenipotentiary;
For the Sere-Groat-Slovens State:
M. Montehilo Nintehiteh, Minister for Foreign Affairs;
M. Miroslav Spalaikovitch, Euvoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Paris;
M. Milan Rakitch, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Sofia;
Dr. Milutin Yuvanovitch, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Berne;
For the United States of America:
The Honourable Richard Washburn Child, Ambassador of the United States at Rome;
Rear-Admiral Mark L. Bristol, High Commissioner of the United States at Constantinople;
The Honourable Joseph C. Grew, Minister of the United States at Berne;
For Turkey:
Ismet Pasha, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Deputy for Adrianople;
Dr. Riza Nour Bey, Minister for Health and for Public Assistance, Deputy for Sinope;
Hasan Bey, formerly Minister, Deputy for Trebizond;
For Bulgaria:
M. Alexander Stamboliisky, President of the Council, Minister for Foreign Affairs;
M. Dimitri Stancioff, Doctor of Law, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at London, Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Alexander:
M. Kosta Todoroff, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Belgrade;
Begdan Morphoff, formerly Minister of Railways Posts and Telegraphs;
For Russia:
M. George V. Chicherin;
M. Christian G. Rakovsky;
M. Polikarp G. Mdivani;
M. Watzlaw W. Vorowski;
For Belgium:
M.F. Peltzer, Officer of the Order of Leopold, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Berne;
For Portugal:
M. Antonio Maria Bartholomew Ferreira, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Berne, Commander of the Order of Saint James and the Sword.
As the result of meetings held between the 20th Novembre, 1922, and the 24th July, 1923, during which certain other Powers had the opportunity of presenting their views on the questions which they considered of interest to themselves, the Instruments hereafter mentioned have been drawn up:
- Treaty of Peace, signed the 24th July, 1923.
- Convention respecting the Régime of the Straits, signed the 24th July, 1923.
- Convention respecting the Thracian Frontiers, signed the 24th July, 1923.
- Convention respecting Conditions of Residence and Business and Jurisdiction, signed the 24th July, 1923.
- Commercial Convention, signed the 24th July, 1923.
- Convention respecting the Exchange of Greek and Turkish Populations, and Protocol, signed the 30th January, 1923.
- Graeco-Turkish Agreement on the Restitution of Interned Civilians and the Exchange of Prisoners of War, signed the 30th January, 1923.
- Amnesty Declaration, and Protocol, signed the 24th July, 1923.
- Declaration relating to Moslem Properties in Greece, signed the 24th July, 1923.
- Declaration relating to Sanitary Matters, signed the 24th July, 1923.
- Declaration relating to the Administration of Justice, signed the 24th July, 1923.
- Protocol relating to certain Concessions granted in the Ottoman Empire, and Declaration, signed the 24th July, 1923.
- Protocol relating to the accession of Belgium and Portugal to certain provisions of Instruments signed at Lausanne, and Declarations of these two Powers concerning such accession, signed the 24th July, 1923.
- Protocol relating to the Evacuation of the Turkish territory occupied by the British, French and Italian Forces, and Declaration, signed the 24th July, 1923.
- Protocol relating to the Karagatich territory and to the islands of Imbros and Tenedos, signed by the British Empire, France, Italy Japan, Greece and Turkey on the 24th July, 1923
- Protocol, signed on the 24th July, 1923, relating to the Treaty, concluded at Sèvres between the Principal Allied Powers and Greece on the 10th August, 1920, concerning the Protection of Minorities in Greece, and to the Treaty relating to Thrace concluded on the same day between the same Powers.
- Protocol relating to signature by the Serb-Croat-Slovene State, signed the 24th July, 1923.
The originals of the above-mentioned Instruments, as well as of the present Act. shall remain deposited in the archives of the Government of the French Republic, and certified copies of each shall be delivered by that Government to the Powers which signed or acceded or adhered to it, as the case may be, and also to the Powers which signed the Treaty of Peace.
In faith whereof the Undersigned have signed and sealed the present Act.
Done at Lausanne, the 24th July, 1923, in a single copy.
(L.S.) Horace Rumbold.
(L.S.) Pellé
(L.S.) Garroni
(L.S.) G.C. Montagna
(L.S.) K. Otchiai
(L.S.) E.K. Veniselos
(L.S.) Const. Diamondy
(L.S.) Const. Contzesco
(L.S.) M. Ismet
(L.S.) Dr. Ryza Nur
(L.S.) Hassan
(L.S.) B. Morphoff
(L.S.) Stanciofe
(L.S.) Fernand Peltzer
(L.S.) A. M. Bartholomeu Ferreira