Türkiye has the fastest growing energy demand among the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries in the past 2
decades. In this period, Türkiye ranks second to China in the increase in
electricity and natural gas demand in the world.
Located in a region adjacent to approximately 60% of the world's proven oil
and natural gas reserves, Türkiye has become one of the biggest natural gas
and electricity markets in its region.
On the other hand, Türkiye has a 74% import dependency to meet its energy
demand. The versatile structure of Türkiye's energy strategy and its energy
import dependency brings international relations into prominence in this
One of the main goals of Türkiye's energy strategy is to diversify routes
and resources to strengthen its energy supply security. Türkiye also aims to
contribute to regional and global energy security and to become a regional
trade center in energy. The fundamental elements that constitute the
international dimension of Türkiye's energy strategy are:
1. To ensure the diversification of routes and resources in the supply of
oil and natural gas, taking into account the increasing demand and import
2. To contribute to regional and global energy security,
3. To be a regional trade center in energy,
4. To consider social and environmental impacts in the context of
sustainable development in every phase of the energy chain,
5. To increase the share of domestic and renewable energy in electricity
6. To include nuclear power in its energy mix.
Further information on Türkiye's energy production, consumption and
installed power potential can be found in the following link of the
Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (MENR):
Information regarding Türkiye's oil, natural gas and electricity markets,
including import and export figures, can be found in the following link of
Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA):
Improvement of the National Energy Mix
Türkiye continues its efforts towards increasing the share of renewable
energy sources in the national energy mix and adding nuclear power to its
energy mix, in line with the goals of reducing its energy import
dependency, maximizing the use of indigenous resources and combating
climate change.
Renewable Energy
Türkiye attaches great importance to the development of renewable energy
sources. In accordance with the National Energy Policy adopted in 2017,
increasing the use of domestic and renewable energy resources is among the
main priorities. Furthermore, Türkiye has ranked 5th in Europe and 12th in
the world in terms of installed capacity in renewable energy. The share of renewables in Türkiye’s installed power reached to 54% at the end of 2022.
Further information on Türkiye’s data regarding renewable energy potential
can be found in the following websites:
Nuclear Energy
Türkiye aims to add nuclear power into its energy mix in order to decrease
negative environmental effects of energy production, to meet its energy
demand increase as well as to reduce its energy import dependency. To this
end, construction of Akkuyu nuclear power plant (NPP) is underway. The
first reactor of Akkuyu NPP is aimed to be commissioned in 2023.
Akkuyu NPPs are Generation III+ plants to be designed and equipped with the
most advanced safety systems. Their safety measures are in accordance with
the International Atomic Energy Agency standards. Furthermore, NPPs to be
constructed in Sinop and Thrace region are on the agenda.
Further information on Türkiye’s nuclear energy policy can be found in the
following website:
Türkiye’s Role in Global Energy Trade
Türkiye aims to be a center in energy trade in its region. In accordance
with this aim, Türkiye has undertaken and carried out several important
natural gas and oil pipeline projects in the region.
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Crude Oil Pipeline (BTC), South Caucasus Natural Gas
Pipeline (SCP), Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum Natural Gas Pipeline (BTE),
Türkiye-Greece Natural Gas Interconnector (ITG), Trans Anatolian Natural Gas
Pipeline (TANAP), and TurkStream are among the projects within this scope.
Türkiye's contribution to Europe's energy supply security has reached a new
level in 2020: The Southern Gas Corridor, the 4th natural gas artery of
Europe, has been realized upon the completion of Trans Adriatic Pipeline
(TAP) at the end of 2020.
The backbone of the Southern Gas Corridor is the Trans Anatolian Natural
Gas Pipeline (TANAP) passing through Türkiye. TANAP aims to reach an annual
capacity of 31 billion cubic meters (bcm) in 2026.
Another project that has recently contributed to the strengthening of the
natural gas supply security of Türkiye is the TurkStream Natural Gas
Pipeline project. This project consists of two pipelines, each with a
capacity of 15.75 bcm, laid under the Black Sea. The first line delivers
natural gas to Türkiye and the second to European countries.
The Turkish Straits have a particular importance in terms of global energy
security, as approximately 3% of the global oil demand is transported
through the Turkish Straits.
Oil and Natural Gas Pipeline Projects
A. Crude Oil Pipelines
i. Kirkuk-Yumurtalık Crude Oil Pipeline (Iraq-Türkiye Crude Oil Pipeline)
ii. Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Crude Oil Pipeline (BTC)
Further information on crude oil pipelines and projects can be accessed
through the following website:
B. Natural Gas Pipelines
i. Iran – Türkiye Natural Gas Pipeline
ii. Blue Stream Natural Gas Pipeline
iii. Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum Natural Gas Pipeline (BTE)
iv. Türkiye-Greece Natural Gas Interconnector (ITG)
v. Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline Project (TANAP)
vi. TurkStream Natural Gas Pipeline
Further information on natural gas pipelines can be accessed through the
following website:
Türkiye-EU Energy Relations
Energy constitutes one of the most important issues of Türkiye-EU relations.
As an indication of the importance given to regional energy cooperation,
Türkiye, with its indispensable position on ensuring energy security of
Europe, joined the Energy Community with an observer status in 2006.
Within the scope of Türkiye’s accession negotiations with the EU, the
screening process of the Energy Chapter was completed in 2007. Türkiye
wishes to open the Energy Chapters for negotiations as early as possible.
Long Term Agreement between TEİAŞ and ENTSO-E
Turkish Electricity Transmission Company (TEİAŞ) and the relevant boards of
European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E)
signed a long-term agreement on 15 April 2015, to ensure the physical
integration of the European electricity market and Türkiye's electricity
market, providing for the permanent connection of the Turkish electricity
system to the European continents electricity system. Hence an advanced
integration between the Turkish electricity system and electricity market
and the European internal electricity market has been realized.
Energy Statistics
Main statistics and monthly sector reports regarding Türkiye in the field of
energy can be found in the following links of TURKSTAT and EMRA:
Major International Organizations in the Energy Field
International Energy Agency - IEA (
IEA was established under the OECD in 1974 to ensure oil supply security.
Today, it operates in a much wider framework in the field of energy. Türkiye
is one of IEA’s founding members. Its headquarters is in Paris.
International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA (
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was established in 1957 as an
independent intergovernmental organization. The establishment purpose of
IAEA is to disseminate potential peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Within
this scope, IAEA conducts activities to prevent the use of atomic energy
for other than peaceful purposes. Türkiye was among the first countries to
become a member of IAEA in 1957. The agency's headquarters is in Vienna.
International Renewable Energy Agency - IRENA (
Türkiye is a founding member of the International Renewable Energy Agency
(IRENA), with the agreement signed at the end of the conference held in
Bonn on January 26, 2009. IRENA started its operations in 2011 as an
international organization that aims to promote the widespread and
increased use of renewables towards sustainable development. As of 2020, it
has 162 members. Its headquarters is in Abu Dhabi.
Energy Charter Treaty (
The Energy Charter Treaty is an agreement that aims to ensure energy
security and is based on the principles of establishing transparent,
competitive markets and supporting sustainable development. Within this
framework, it includes regulations on matters such as investments in the
field of energy, energy trade, energy efficiency and conflict resolution.
Türkiye is a party to the treaty. Its secretariat is in Brussels.