I congratulate with my warmest wishes the Human Rights Day of our nation and the entire humanity.
Unfortunately, our world continues to be the scene of grave human rights violations and humanitarian crises in different geographies although it has been almost three-quarter century since the adoption of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, whose 75th anniversary we will celebrate next year. These violations and crises pose a threat not only to the countries they take place, but also to the world peace and stability.
The full achievement of peace and stability in the world is closely related to expanding the practices based on respect for human rights as well as developing the means and capabilities that can effectively address human rights violations and humanitarian crises in different geographies.
The international community should use all its available means for the common prosperity and happiness of mankind. The constructive, remedial and preventive role and efforts of global and regional institutions are needed more than ever.
Türkiye continues with its efforts in protecting and promoting the rights of its citizens as well as those of millions of persons it is hosting. It also continues to set an example for the international community through its fight against all human rights violations around the world, including Islamophobia, xenophobia and racism. Türkiye, while leading the formation of important initiatives on the table, also reaches effectively and rapidly those in need in the field.
I congratulate the 74th anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and wish for a world where human rights, based on universal values, are treasured, peace and justice prevail over the world and rules-based order is strengthened.