Retired members of the Turkish Foreign Ministry and families of the victims fallen to Armenian terrorism organized a march on April 25th
Retired members of the Turkish Foreign Ministry and families of the victims fallen to Armenian terrorism organized a march on April 25th

The retired members of the Foreign Ministry, together with the families of the victims fallen to Armenian terrorism, organized a march on 25 April in Ankara, in memory of the diplomats and their family members that had been assassinated by the Armenian terrorist organizations.

Declaration of the march highlighted that over 40 Turkish diplomats, government employees and their family members were ruthlessly assassinated between 1973 and 1985 and that no other country in the world had lost this many of their diplomats and government officials to terror in such a short span of time. (For the declaration please refer to the following link)

The group gathered in front of the Atatürk statue in Ulus and carried the photos of the Ambassadors, Consul Generals, other public servants and their family members that had been assassinated by the Armenian terrorism. Retired Ambassador Tugay Uluçevik made a commemoratory statement on behalf of the group. Later, the group walked to Kızılay and laid a wreath to the Atatürk statue at Zafer Square, which carried the message “We are grateful, we have not forgotten those who were fallen, we shall never let them be forgotten, Retired members of the Foreign Ministry”.