No:115 - 30 July 2006, Press Release Regarding the;Israeli Military Operations in Lebanon;(Unofficial Translation)

We deeply deplore the demise of more than 50 innocent people, including at least 23 children, in the raids of the Israeli army targeting the Qana town in South Lebanon, as part of the Israeli military operations in Lebanon which have been continuing for 19 days. We strongly condemn this attack which victimized the civilians who have no responsibility in the conflict.

Due to Israel’s disproportionate and indiscriminate use of force in Lebanon, the number of the civilian Lebanese casualties has mounted to 600, 750 thousand Lebanese citizens, which is indeed one five of the total population, have been displaced, the infrastructure has been destructed, and the country has been brought to the verge of a loaming  humanitarian crisis.

This course of affairs which started to erode the foundations of peaceful coexistence in the region must immediately be brought to an end.

Therefore, we urge an immediate cessation of Israel’s attacks to Lebanon, a halt to the rocket attacks to the Israeli territories and an urgent declaration of cease-fire, before the crisis aggravates.