Türkiye recognized Armenia on 16 December 1991, following its declaration of independence on 21 September 1991, and exerted efforts for Armenia’s integration with regional organizations, international society and Western institutions. In that regard, Armenia was invited to the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation as a founding member by Türkiye. But Karabakh War, which began with Armenia’s attacks on Azerbaijan, prevented the establishment of diplomatic relations and the improvement of the bilateral relations between Türkiye and Armenia. Upon Armenia’s occupation of Kalbajar region of Azerbaijan, Türkiye closed its border with Armenia in 1993.
In order to normalize relations, several processes have been initiated between Türkiye and Armenia. As a result of the process that commenced in 2008, Zurich Protocols were signed in the following year. Protocols, that on our side were submitted to the GNAT for approval, were sent to the Constitutional Court in Armenia to have them constitutionality approved. Although finding the Protocols in conformity with the Constitution of Armenia, the published grounds of the decision of the Constitutional Court had preconditions and restrictive provisions that impair the letter and spirit of the Protocols. The decision undermined the very reason for negotiating the Protocols as well as their fundamental objectives. Later on, through a Note sent to our Embassy in Tbilisi on 23 April 2010, the Armenian side informed that it suspended the ratification process of the Protocols. Subsequently, the then President Sargsyan recalled the Protocols from the Parliament of Armenia in February 2015 and declared the Protocols null and void on 1 March 2018.
Within the frame of conducive political landscape after the Second Karabakh War, another process was initiated and a direct dialogue without preconditions with Armenia was established for gradual normalization of relations. In that regard, Türkiye and Armenia appointed Ambassador Serdar Kılıç and Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of Armenia Ruben Rubinyan, respectively, as Special Representatives for Normalization Process. After a series of meetings between Special Representatives, direct flights restarted as of 2 February 2022 and it was agreed to open the Türkiye-Armenia border for third country citizens and to commence air cargo trade between two countries on 1 July 2022.
Our country desires to advance the normalization process with Armenia through gradual and confidence building steps, with the aim of establishing good neighborly relations, without preconditions, and in tandem with regional developments.