Central Asia is a strategically important for the security and stability of
the Euro-Atlantic region. Its energy resources are vital for global energy
security and it is a major hub for gas and oil pipelines as well as trade
Throughout their 29 years of independence, the Central Asian Republics have
achieved substantial progress in many areas, particularly in solidifying
their sovereignty, institutionalizing their state structures and improving
their level of integration with the world.
Türkiye is the first country which recognized Central Asian countries. Since
1991, our desire for a stable, independent and prosperous Central Asia has
guided our policies towards the region towards building free market
economies and functioning democracies. Given our common historical,
linguistic and cultural ties, we have sought to increase engagement with
this region on a broad range of issues. The High Level Strategic
Cooperation Councils with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and recently with
Uzbekistan provide a useful platform to deepen our relations. We have also
a similar mechanism with Tajikistan.
Türkiye’s economic relations with the Central Asian Republics have developed
rapidly, and significant progress has been achieved in the fields of trade,
transportation and communications. The Turkish Cooperation and Development
Agency (TIKA) was established in order to provide development assistance to
these countries and has been operating successfully in close cooperation
with the local authorities.
Türkiye’s trade volume with the countries of the region was about 8,5
billion USD in 2019 and almost 4 thousand Turkish companies have been
operating there.
Relations have also developed in the areas of culture and education. The
International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY) was established in
1993 to promote the Turkic culture, art, language and historical heritage;
introducing these values to the world and transferring them to the younger
Türkiye has been carrying out a broad scholarship program “Türkiye
Scholarships” for students in Central Asia as well as other regions. Our
Ministry of National Education runs many schoolst in the Central Asian
Republics. There are two joint universities (Turkish-Kazakh International
Hoca Ahmet Yesevi University) in Turkestan, (Kazakhstan) and
(Turkish-Kyrgyz Manas University) in Bishkek.
Türkiye has led “The Summits of Turkic Speaking Countries' Heads of States”,
since 1992 in order to increase solidarity between the Turkic Speaking
Countries and to create new cooperation opportunities among them. This
practice has acquired an institutional structure thanks to the Nakhichevan
Treaty regarding the Establishment of the Cooperation Council of Turkic
Speaking States (Turkic Council) signed on 3 October 2009. The Secretariat
of the Council is in Istanbul. Turkic Council continues its activities in
every field and every level with close cooperation of member countries. The
7th Summit of the Council was held in Baku, Azerbaijan, on October 15,
The Extraordinary Summit of the Turkic Council was held through VTC on 10
April 2020.