The concept of Peacekeeping Operations was first introduced to maintain the
ceasefire in the Middle East in 1948 based on the relevant resolution of
the UN Security Council. Since then, this concept evolved as a significant
instrument for crisis management and conflict prevention.
The scope, objectives and the nature of Peacekeeping Operations have
changed and expanded especially in the post-cold war period in parallel
with the changes in the nature of conflicts. A wide range of activities
extending from conflict prevention to the maintenance of sustainable peace
have been included within the scope of the operations. Accordingly, a
considerable number of civilian personnel and police force as well as
military units started to participate in these operations.
Peacekeeping Operations remains to be one of the most effective instruments
available to the international community for the protection of
international peace and stability.
Türkiye participated in Peacekeeping Operations for the first time during
the Korean War. Since then, Türkiye has been contributing to these
operations in line with its capabilities.
One of the main objectives of Turkish foreign policy is to contribute to
establish and maintain peace and stability in its region and beyond.
Peacekeeping Operations are the legitimate means to realize this objective.
As an active participant in all areas of the UN system, Türkiye also
vigorously engages in UN efforts to maintain international peace and
stability, which also helps to enhance Türkiye’s role in international
Türkiye contributes military personnel, police officers and experts to the
UN peacekeeping operations deployed in various locations around the world.
Türkiye also makes substantial financial contributions to the budgets of the
UN peacekeeping missions and peacebuilding efforts. Türkiye participates in
various Country Configurations of the UN Peacebuilding Commission which
have been created following the World Summit held in 2005. Türkiye is also a
significant contributor to the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) that has an
important role in providing coordinated efforts and sustainable support to
post-conflict countries, especially for strengthening civilian capacity.