Türkiye’s relations with the African Union (AU) have remained limited in the period of 1963-2002. Following the implementation of the 1998 Action Plan for the Opening Policy towards Africa, Türkiye, participated in the African Union Summits as guest country after 2002, and obtained ‘‘observer status’’ in the African Union in 2005. Turkish Embassy in Addis Ababa, which is accredited to the African Union, has been closely following the works of the Organization.
Upon the invitation the H.E. Mr. Abdullah Gül, then the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye, Prof. Alpha Oumar Konare, Chairperson of the African Union Commission visited Türkiye on 21-25 November 2005. The said visit, constitute the first ever high-level visit from the African Union to Türkiye. On the other hand, upon the invitation of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Prime Minister Erdoğan realized the first high-level visit from Türkiye to the AU in order to participate in an African Union Summit on 29-30 January 2007 in Addis Ababa.
AU demonstrated its will to strengthen the relations with Türkiye by declaring Türkiye as a strategic partner of the Continent in 2008. Following the said decision, the First Türkiye-Africa Cooperation Summit was held on 18-21 August 2008, in Istanbul. “The Istanbul Declaration on Türkiye-Africa Partnership: Solidarity and Partnership for a Common Future’’ and its annex ‘‘Framework of Cooperation for Türkiye-Africa Partnership’’ were adopted at the said Summit. In this context, intergovernmental cooperation; trade and investment; agriculture, agribusiness, rural development, water resources management, small and medium scale enterprises; health; peace and security; infrastructure, energy and transport; culture, tourism and education; media, information and communication technology and environment were determined as the priority cooperation fields.
In parallel with the said Summit, “Türkiye-African Business Forum” was held by the Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEIK). This Forum provided an opportunity to promote Türkiye’s economic capabilities to the African business communities.
As a part of the efforts to further develop the Turkish-African partnership an ‘‘African Strategy’’ was announced on 26 March 2010, by the Prime Ministry in order to implement a comprehensive strategy based on the above-mentioned cooperation areas. Africa strategy aims to strengthen Türkiye’s partnership with the African Union and the countries in continent by taking into account their peculiarities.
Within the framework of the follow-up mechanism adopted at the Summit, First High Level Officials Meeting of the Türkiye-Africa Partnership was held in Istanbul on 15 December 2010. ‘‘2010-2014 Türkiye-Africa Partnership Joint Implementation Plan’’ was adopted and a joint press statement was released at the meeting.
According to the referred follow-up mechanism, the First Ministerial Review Conference of Türkiye-Africa Partnership was held in Istanbul on 16 December 2011. The Conference provided an excellent opportunity to review the developments achieved since 2008 and to discuss the steps to be taken to move forward the Turkish-African partnership. A Communique, on which Ministers unanimously agreed, was adopted as a result of the Conference. The Conference once more confirmed that Türkiye-Africa Partnership is developing on a sound ground, based on the common will of the parties.
Within the framework of the preparations for the II. Türkiye-Africa Partnership Summit, several Senior Level Officials’ Meeting between Türkiye and African Union was held in Ankara and Addis Ababa.
II. Türkiye-Africa Partnership Summit was held in Malabo on 19-21 November 2014, under the theme of “A New Model of Partnership to Enhance a Sustainable Development and Integration”. A Declaration and 2015-2019 Joint Implementation Plan were adopted at the Summit. In accordance with the decision taken at the Summit, Third Türkiye-Africa Partnership Summit will be held in Türkiye in 2019.
Senior Officials’ Meeting that was held on 19 March 2015, in Ankara reviewed the 2015-2019 Implementation Plan and approved a matrix to be implemented for coming years.