Excellency President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud,
Excellency Prime Minister David Cameron,
Esteemed Heads of State and Government,
Dear Colleagues,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
At the very beginning, I would like to thank Prime Minister Cameron and my colleague Secretary Hague for organizing and hosting such a high level international conference on Somalia in London.
Turkey considers the Somalia Conference as a highly useful occasion in further galvanizing international support to the peace building and state building process in Somalia.
We welcome the presence of H.E. President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud as the co-chair of this timely conference.
It symbolizes the Somali ownership for the ongoing international efforts.
I am confident that from now on Somalis should be in the driving seat of all future endeavors concerning Somalia.
Turkey appreciates the able leadership of President Mahmoud for the accomplishments since September 2012.
Under his leadership, the Somali administration has undertaken tireless efforts to secure the territorial integrity and political sovereignty of Somalia.
Turkey always stands behind the Somali leadership and the Somali people in their sacred cause.
Dear Colleagues,
The Somali people have full sense of hope for their future after long years of conflict.
Our main responsibility is to keep alive this hopefulness in Somalia.
To that end, maintaining the already gained momentum since September 2012 is extremely important.
All in all, Somalia should be made a success story in the African Continent.
Today, the most urgent priority in Somalia is to follow a comprehensive and multidimensional strategy.
This holistic strategy should be based on the Six-Pillar Policy of President Mahmoud.
We all need to record progress through simultaneous implementation of this policy.
During the implementation process of the Six-Pillar Policy, constructive engagement of the regional countries should be secured.
A Somali federal state which controls its borders and ensures internal and external stability and security in the country should be considered as an inseparable part of peace and stability in the Horn of Africa.
In short, trust and confidence should be re-established between the Somali people and the regional and international community.
As Turkey, we would like to underline the importance of political reconciliation, rebuilding of the Somali security forces and economic recovery and infrastructure development as immediate priorities in Somalia.
All the areas which are cleared of Al Shabaab must have new local administrations in order not to have a power vacuum.
National reconciliation is the key to achieving this.
In this political process, the Somali Federal Government is our main interlocutor.
Any important steps in the relations which we may wish to build with the local and regional administrations must have the approval of the Somali Federal Government.
Widening of its authority to the rest of Somalia is our main priority.
Meanwhile, the recent dialogue between the leaders of Somalia and Somaliland in Ankara is a step forward for peace and stability.
Their determination to maintain the dialogue and develop bilateral relations encourages us about the peaceful future of the Somali people. Turkey will continue to fully support this process.
Rebuilding the Somali security forces constitutes the first imperative priority for Somalia.
I would like to emphasize that Turkey together with the Somali authorities has already prepared the comprehensive plan on the future of the Somali military and police forces.
My country has allocated 10 million US Dollars ready to be used for security structures and military and police training, in addition to our humanitarian and economic development assistance package of 300 million US Dollars.
Being aware that the restructuring and rebuilding of the Somali security forces should be a collective endeavor and that no country could undertake such a mission alone in Somalia, Turkey will appreciate all contributions to the Security Fund through which the most interested countries could render their thorough support to the work on the Somali security sector.
Dear Colleagues,
The Somali people are in urgent need to have fundamental public services like health, education, transportation, water and energy supplies.
Turkey continues to swiftly carry out renovation and economic development activities which have started to change the face of the country, and instill a sense of confidence in the future.
The international community should also begin immediately to implement some large scale infrastructure and development projects in close cooperation and coordination of the Somali Federal Government.
One of the six-pillars is to establish, develop and increase the capacity building of Somali institutions of both central and local ones.
It includes sending advisers to the Ministries, providing training programs and rebuilding of the infrastructure of the Ministries among other things.
It also includes encouragement for the returning of the Somali Diaspora.
These should be seen as the prerequisites for providing public order in the country.
We are very pleased that the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia, UNSOM, will be established as of 3 June 2013.
As you might recall, Turkey has been bringing the need for a new full-fledged UN Mission in Mogadishu to the attention of the international community since the end of 2011.
We believe that the short term priorities of new UN Mission should be undertaking several projects in the political, military, security, economy, development, humanitarian and good governance/justice areas.
One of the main tasks facing the new Mission is to help Somali central and local administrations in preparations for future local and national elections in the country.
Dear Colleagues,
In concluding, I would like to encourage partners of Somalia once again to open Embassies and Offices in Somalia.
In this regard, we welcome the opening of the British Embassy in Mogadishu on 25 April 2013.
I hope we can meet in a secure atmosphere in Mogadishu for such conferences and meetings on Somalia. Despite all the security risks today, the next international meeting on Somalia should be convened in Mogadishu. For achieving success in Somalia it is imperative to take these risks.
With these thoughts I would like to express that Turkey will do her best to continue the momentum of state-building and peace-building in Somalia.
Thank you.