The European Parliament’s Resolution regarding 2018 Report on Turkey was
adopted in the Plenary of the European Parliament on 13 March 2019.
We do not attribute any value to this unilateral and by no means objective
stance of the European Parliament when we are in a period of increasing our
common efforts to put Turkey-EU relations back on track and restarting the
reform process while we leave behind the trauma of the heinous coup attempt
of 15 July. Hence, the Resolution is deemed meaningless on our end.
On the other hand, the high number of votes against and abstentions
indicates that this Resolution has no solid ground within the European
Parliament of 751 members.
The adoption of this biased and unfair report during the European
Parliament election period and just before the local elections in Turkey in
particular, as well as the meeting of the Turkey-EU Association Council to
be held nearly after four years, contradicts the respect for elections to
which we adhere in Europe.
We find it concerning for the EU’s future and our common values that the
extreme right and left wings starting to dominate the European Parliament
have turned this report into an exclusionary, discriminatory and populist
text which does not reflect the reality. Instead of encouraging the
elimination of political obstacles to the negotiation process, this and
similar initiatives prepared in cooperation with those opposed to the
European integration and our common values, contradict the values
represented by an EU institution.
The membership to the EU is a strategic objective for Turkey. The call to
suspend the accession negotiations, which are the core axis of Turkey-EU
relations, clearly demonstrates that the European Parliament lacks a
visionary perspective and fails to respect the principle of “pacta sunt
In addition, the reference made once again this year to the unfortunate
assessment of 15 April 2015 of the European Parliament adopted on 1915
events which is based on one-sided Armenian narratives, reflects the biased
and political character of this report.
Turkey, following the lifting of the state of emergency, has demonstrated
its determination for the reform process by gathering Reform Action Group
twice consecutively after three-year interval. We will decisively continue
to work in cooperation with the European Union and the Council of Europe in
order to ensure the highest standards of rights and freedoms for our
citizens, as they deserve.
The Presidential System of Government is the catalyst and driving force of
the reform process. While we take steps focusing on the reforms, such as
updating of the Judicial Reform Strategy, drafting of the Action Plan on
Human Rights and the progress in the visa liberalisation process, the
unfounded allegations referred to in the report indicate the contradictory
and prejudiced approach of the European Parliament.
Rather than adopting a stance against Turkey, the European Parliament is
expected to take a constructive and encouraging role in support of
objectives such as the visa liberalisation which will bring our people
closer, and updating of the Customs Union which will serve to increase our
economic integration.
The European Parliament’s stance on Turkey should aim to develop Turkey-EU
relations, interaction and dialogue. We expect the new European Parliament
which will be constituted following elections in May to adopt a
constructive approach on Turkey-EU relations in the forthcoming period, to
take qualified and objective decisions and to promote Turkey’s integration
with the EU.