It has been one year since the signing of the Libyan Political Agreement which constitutes the roadmap to guide efforts to re-establish, through an inclusive political process, security and stability in Libya.
Having taken part to every stage of the process leading up to the signing of the Agreement, as well as having made constructive contributions to the process, Turkey is committed to the goal of making functional political institutions established pursuant to the Agreement and achieving the defined objectives.
In this regard, since then, Turkey recognizes the Presidency Council and all other institutions stipulated in the Agreement as the sole legitimate institutions in Libya, in compliance with the UN Security Council resolutions.
The Agreement continues to constitute a comprehensive and important legal framework in order to create a conducive environment to the silencing of weapons, re-uniting of the country and re-building of a prosperous Libya. However, difficulties encountered in the implementation phase, continue to delay the creation of an atmosphere of stability and welfare which the Libyan people yearn for.
In this respect, we believe that more efforts should be made to achieve a lasting peace in Libya. Legitimate institutions stipulated in the Agreement should demonstrate more determination in carrying out their duties and all Libyan actors should support the efforts of those legitimate institutions.
Furthermore, we invite all actors in Libya, especially those in the capital Tripoli, to settle their disagreements in a non-violent way and in a spirit of compromise, as well as to exercise common sense. Likewise, it is of vital importance that the United Nations and the international community fulfil their responsibilities and give more tangible support to our Libyan brothers in resolving their disagreements.
On this occasion, we congratulate all our Libyan brothers for the victory scored as a result of their heroic fight against DEASH terrorist organization in the city of Sirte. Having enabled the treatment of more than 600 of those wounded during this fight, Turkey will continue to contribute to the efforts towards establishing security and stability in Libya, as has been the case so far.