Turkey has mobilized its resources to meet the urgent needs in the face of serious deterioration in the humanitarian conditions in the Gaza Strip, particularly in accessing basic supplies in the areas of energy and health care. In this context, in cooperation with the Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process and the relevant Palestinian authorities, a financial assistance $850,000.00 was transferred to the Palestinian Government by the Turkish International Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) to be used for fuel supply to the power generators of critical services such as the hospitals in the Gaza Strip and wastewater pumping stations. The said amount will be utilized for the purchase of fuel by the Palestinian authorities; and the fuel will be delivered to the institutions in urgent need through the UN agencies.
Moreover, upon a call for emergency food aid by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), Turkey will provide 10,000 tons of flour to the Gaza Strip. The Disaster and Emergency Management Agency under the Prime Ministry has concluded all necessary preparations with regard to the aid in question. The first shipment is planned to start in early November.
Furthermore, Turkey carries out preparations for the provision of medicine and medical supplies urgently needed in the Gaza Strip.
Turkey is determined to continue to support in every field the friendly and brotherly Palestinian people living under occupation and restrictions.