As a matter of fact, it is known that there is no such a movement called “Grey Wolves”, whose dissolution was announced today by the French Government. Attempts to resort to imaginary decisions presuming the existence of such a movement or formation based on some individuals and their actions, reflects the latest contradictory psychology that this country lives in.
On the other hand, while addressing this imaginary formation, it is unacceptable to ban symbols that are used widely in many countries and bearing no illegal aspects.
It is unfortunate that those who advocate that the freedom of expression cannot be restricted in any way when it comes to themselves easily restrict this freedom when it relates to others. This hypocritical comprehension is the latest example of the double standard approach that we are now used to see.
This decision also shows that the French Government has become totally a captive of the Armenian circles.
The French Government's hurriedly taken decision is disgraceful, considering that France tolerates the PKK and FETÖ terrorist organizations affiliated associations to operate openly in every corner of the country for many years and that it has left the violence perpetrated against Turkish interests and community in its country unpunished under the pretext of the freedom of demonstration and expression.
Thus, the French Government once again demonstrated that it continues to ignore the fanatical Armenian diaspora's incitements, threats and attacks that have increased in recent months targeting our citizens and diplomatic missions in the country. This hypocritical attitude and the provocative decision taken today under the pretext of preventing violence are reminding the negative record of France in the fight against terrorist organizations that are receiving patronage and support from France, such as the PKK, FETÖ and especially the terrorist organization ASALA which targeted our diplomats' lives.
We emphasize that the freedom of association, expression and demonstration of the Turkish community in France should be protected in accordance with universal human rights and regulations and that we will reciprocate to this decision in the strongest way.