We deplore the death sentences pronounced against President Mr. Mohamed Morsi, who took the office of Presidency by popular will following the first democratic elections held in Egypt’s history and was ousted by a military coup, as well as against the other more than hundred co-accused.
The death sentence about Mr. Morsi, pronounced as in the previous case, following legal proceedings which fell short of meeting international standards, is a new disgrace in the period that elapsed since the military coup. The verdict not only violates elected President Mr. Morsi basic human rights, but will also not contribute in any way whatsoever to achieving a lasting societal peace and a sustainable state of stability, which are most needed as a matter of utmost urgency in Egypt.
We expect the verdicts to be reconsidered and all the political prisoners to be released so as to contribute to the most needed stability and societal peace in Egypt. We reiterate our sincere calls for the launch without delay of a smooth functioning of dialogue and reconciliation process in line with the will of the people.