We have learned with sorrow that almost 200 people, mostly women and children, lost their lives in the ferry which capsized on 12 January while crossing the White Nile carrying civilians who tried to escape from the conflict in the city of Malakal, in the north of South Sudan.
We wish God's mercy upon those who lost their lives in the disaster, convey our condolences to their families and hope for a speedy recovery of the wounded.
On this occasion, we have been following the developments with concern as all segments of the society, particularly civilians, have been affected by the instability and the armed conflicts, prevailing since 15 December 2013 in the country and as this process is continuing causing many deaths and injuries. We reiterate our hope for an immediate end to the incidents, non-escalation of the violence and successful conclusion of mediation initiatives conducted by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development.
Turkey, within the framework of the position it has adopted since the independence of South Sudan, will continue providing all kind of support to the economic development of the country and the establishment of security and the stability in collaboration with the international community.