The Montreux Convention, which is the essential element in the context of
Black Sea security and stability, has been properly and impartially
implemented by Türkiye for more than eight decades.
In this regard, the successful implementation of the Montreux Convention
since 1936 is a testimony of the balance carefully established by the
According to the Montreux Convention, merchant vessels enjoy freedom of
passage through the Turkish Straits (Turkish Straits Vessel Traffic Services
Centre regulates the passages according to the Maritime Traffic Regulations
for the Turkish Straits dated 1998), while passages of vessels of war are
subject to some restrictions which vary depending on whether these vessels
belong to Black Sea littoral States or not.
Besides some general restrictions applicable to all, vessels of war
belonging to non-littoral States are subject to specific restrictions such
as those regarding maximum aggregate tonnage and duration of stay in the
Black Sea.
The principal provisions of the Convention ruling the passages of vessels
of war are outlined here-below:
Aircraft carriers whether belonging to littoral States or not can in no way
pass through the Turkish Straits.
Only submarines belonging to littoral States can pass through the Turkish
Straits, for the purpose of rejoining their base in the Black Sea for the
first time after their construction or purchase, or for the purpose of
repair in dockyards outside the Black Sea.
The total number and the maximum aggregate tonnage of all foreign naval
forces which may be in course of passage through the Turkish Straits are
limited to 9 and 15.000 tons respectively.
The maximum aggregate tonnage which non-littoral States may have in the
Black Sea is 45.000 tons.
In this regard, the maximum aggregate tonnage of the vessels of war that
one non-littoral State may have in the Black Sea is 30.000 tons.
Vessels of war belonging to non-littoral States cannot stay more than 21
days in the Black Sea.
Passages through the Turkish Straits are notified to Türkiye through
diplomatic channels prior to intended passages. The notification time is 8
days for vessels of war belonging to littoral States, and 15 days for those
of non-littoral States.