Mr. Hassan Sheikh Mahmud, the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia and Mr. Ahmed Silanyo, the President of Somaliland met in Ankara on April 13, 2013 within the context of the dialogue process they initiated after a long time.
The two leaders in Ankara had separate as well as trilateral meetings with Foreign Minister Davutoğlu, Prime Minister Erdoğan and President Gül.
The two Presidents who also met tete-a-tete in the Ankara Palace announced that their dialogue process will continue and they will meet once again this time in İstanbul within the next three months by the Ankara Communiqué released at the end of the meetings.
The Ankara Communiqué which includes the results of the meetings between the technical delegations of the parties during the last three days in İstanbul was signed by Minister Abdikarim H. Guled on behalf of Somalia and Minister Mohamed A. Omar on behalf of Somaliland in the presence of Prime Minister Erdoğan and the two Presidents.
In the Communique, it is stated that the purpose of the Ankara meeting is to reopen the dialogue after the change in the leadership of the Somali Federal Republic, and to establish a way forward for the dialogue.
Moreover the agreement concerning the encouragement and facilitation of international aid and development provided to Somaliland is also cited in the Communique where the parties commit to refrain from using any inflammatory language and any other act which may put the continuation of the dialogue at risk.
Parties will share intelligence and cooperate in the fight against terrorism, extremism, piracy, illegal fishing toxic dumping, maritime crime and serious crime, stated in the Communique.
The meeting in Ankara is of importance that the meeting was the first comprehensive presidential meeting between Somalia and Somaliland. Turkey within close cooperation with the parties will continue to provide every assistance to ensure peaceful settlement of the issues through dialogue.