Mr. Ahmet Davutoğlu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey in İstanbul met with Somalia and Somaliland delegations which came together in accordance with the decision taken at the meeting of the Presidents of Somalia and Somaliland in Ankara on April 13, 2013.
“Relations between Somalia, Somaliland and Turkey are beyond any borders. We are like a family in moral and historical terms. With this understanding, for the last two years Turkey has advocated that our brothers should discuss their common future together in its policy towards Somalia and Somaliland. We have attached a special importance to building solid bridges between Somalia and Somaliland through our humanitarian assistance. Hereafter, we will continue our active policy to represent our country in Mogadishu and in Hargeisa as well as to provide humanitarian assistance to these places” said Foreign Minister Davutoğlu speaking to the press ahead of the meeting.
Recalling that the meeting held in Ankara on 13 April was considered as a historical step, Foreign Minister Davutoğlu emphasized that Turkey will always maintain her efforts to strengthen the brotherhood between Somalia and Somaliland. “This is our historical duty, besides this is our humanitarian duty and this is an integral part of our active diplomacy in Africa” said Foreign Minister Davutoğlu and expressed his expectation that concrete steps would be taken at the meetings between Somalia and Somaliland delegations in Istanbul.
Mr. Hassan Sheikh Mahmud, the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia and Mr. Ahmed Silanyo, the President of Somaliland met in Ankara on April 13, 2013 within the context of the dialogue process which was initiated after a long time and in the Ankara Communique adopted at the end of the meeting, it was announced that the dialogue process will continue and Somalia and Somaliand delegations will meet once again this time in İstanbul within the next three months.