Foreign Minister Davutoğlu “We will stand by the Syrian people until they live with honor in all around Syria”
Foreign Minister Davutoğlu “We will stand by the Syrian people until they live with honor in all around Syria”

Mr. Ahmet Davutoğlu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, together with Ms. Fatma Şahin, Minister of Family and Social Policies paid a visit to the container city in Nizip, Gaziantep housing the Syrian citizens and attended the Iftar (fast-breaking) dinner.

Speaking at the dinner Foreign Minister Davutoğlu said “In our tradition, Turkish people usually have family dinners at the first day of Ramadan. In this respect, today we are together with our Syrian friends”.

Asking Syrian citizens to make themselves at home Foreign Minister Davutoğlu stated that Turkey is proud of hosting approximately 500 thousand Syrian citizens including 200 thousand in the camps. He also added that he was certain that if Turkey faced a similar situation, Syrian people would act in the same manner.

Also addressing to the ones living in Syria, Foreign Minister Davutoğlu pointed out that Turkey will stand by all Syrian people who struggle with difficulties not only for themselves but also for human dignity in Carablus, Humus, and Latakia. ”We will stand by the Syrian people until the end of this oppression, until Syrian people regardless of their religion, sect and ethnic origin live with honor and in peace in all around Syria. Our support will continue.” said Foreign Minister Davutoğlu.

Foreign Minister Davutoğlu stated that he also would like to send a message to the international community and emphasized that no matter how long this oppression continues, no matter how long international community keeps its silence, Turkey will never leave the Syrian people alone and one day the Syrian people will wake up in freedom”.