Madam Minister, Dear Colleagues, Esteemed Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have the great pleasure to officially open the 14 th
Ambassadors' Conference.
As you know, at the elections, the Turkish people sent a strong message of
confidence and stability. The next five years will provide a historic
opportunity to achieve our foreign policy goals. Under the leadership of
our re-elected President, we will work tirelessly to strengthen Türkiye's
position as a fully independent, effective, and influential actor, which
sets the international agenda, and sets or breaks the game when necessary.
For us, the strategic orientation of our foreign policy and the way it is
conducted are very clear: a genuine national foreign policy, independent of
any external spheres of influence, based on our increasing potential and
capabilities which are shaped on the values of our civilization, aiming at
strengthening the integrity, security, and prosperity of our state and
nation, and which constitutes the center of attraction in our region. In
other words, the foreign policy of the Century of Türkiye. Together with
our distinguished Ambassadors, we will work with all our power to bring
this vision to life.
Dear Colleagues, the Ambassadors' Conference offers an opportunity to
discuss our national foreign policy vision in the "Century of Türkiye.”
Together, we will capture an up-to-date snapshot of the different
dimensions of our foreign relations and undertake a strategic forecast study
for the future.
We will provide result-oriented and concrete proposals regarding the risks
and opportunities awaiting us in the upcoming period.
We will have the opportunity to meet with our esteemed Ministers and
Directors of Institutions and discuss areas such as economy, trade,
security, defense, intelligence, energy, culture, and communication, which
are the important components of our foreign relations.
As we visit the “Gazi” Grand National Assembly of Türkiye, which is the
embodiment of the national will, we will focus on the added values of
parliamentary democracy with the Honorable Speaker of the Assembly.
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will receive us and provide his instructions
within the course that he has set for the Century of Türkiye, and we will
shape our stance in a world that is on the eve of a new international
Dear Colleagues, unfortunately, the current international system is unable
to provide peace, stability, and justice for a large part of the world. We
witness the fact that the competition between the great powers is
increasing tensions and polarization at the global level. The international
system, which is increasingly out of balance, harbors many unpredictable
developments, and this, in turn, increases vulnerability. We are
simultaneously facing numerous political, military, economic,
environmental, technological, and social challenges in the international
system. We witness that armed conflicts, terrorism, irregular migration,
xenophobia and Islamophobia, climate change and the waste crisis, all
trigger and fuel each other. While the world is anxious about the outcome
of a war that has erupted right on our doorstep, in Europe, it is also
dealing with global challenges such as inflation, stagnation, an energy
crisis, and food shortages caused by the war. The increase in prosperity
brought about by globalization is not shared equitably at the international
level. The organizations responsible for international and regional
governance are often unable, and sometimes unwilling, to remedy this
worrisome situation. While some countries try to navigate under these
circumstances on their own, we witness increasing protectionism and
discrimination in the economic and social spheres.
Revolutionary technologies such as cyberspace, artificial intelligence, and
quantum offer opportunities in many areas like economy, security,
development, transportation, and health. These technologies now have found
a place among the new fields of diplomacy.
On the other hand, these technologies also entail security risks and can be
exploited by terrorist organizations and hostile countries. As a result,
the global system is experiencing a “more complex and multiple crises era.”
History has shown us through bitter experience that these crises cannot
continue forever this way. There is a need for change, but how will this
change take place? Who will the actors of this change be? How the
international system will take shape at this breaking point will depend on
the policy choices of the leading states and their ability to implement
these decisions. Türkiye, under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip
Erdoğan, is undoubtedly one of these leading states.
Distinguished Ambassadors, on the centenary of our Republic and the 500th
anniversary of the founding of our Foreign Ministry, we are stepping into
the “Century of Türkiye.” Our vision is to turn Türkiye into one of the
system-building actors in the “Century of Türkiye.” We will achieve this
great goal by forecasting and shaping change. We will work together with
other countries to establish an effective and inclusive international
system, which embraces humanity and eliminates global injustices; which
addresses economic inequalities; and which generates peace, security,
stability, and prosperity.
Recognizing that major changes require strategic patience and a strong
will, we will proceed with modest, but steady steps. In so doing, we will
act in line with four basic strategic objectives. These are: to establish
peace and security in our region; institute our foreign relations on a
structural basis; develop an environment of prosperity; and advance our
global goals.
Within the context of our first objective, which is to establish peace and
security in our region, we will intensify our measures and initiatives
aimed at reducing conflict areas. Terrorist organizations and other proxy
organizations are the biggest threat to security, peace, and stability in
our region. Whether they are called FETÖ, PKK-YPG, or DAESH, along with
all our responsible institutions, in our country and in our region, we will
give no respite to terrorist organizations and the forces behind them. We
will not allow them any space to move, and we will not let them take a
single breath. Towards this end, we will continue our struggle, while
enhancing our military, intelligence, and technology capabilities at home,
and ensuring effective cooperation with our friends abroad.
We will adamantly and persistently continue to work to end the war in
Ukraine and towards the establishment of peace. We are concerned by the
recent escalation of the war. As a country implementing the Montreux
Convention, our main priority will be to maintain calm, especially in the
Black Sea, and to prevent attempts to jeopardize it.
We will maintain contact with all the parties to revive the Black Sea Grain
Initiative that affects every household in the world. As you know, our
country Türkiye is the only actor capable of achieving this.
On the other hand, we will continue to be the main advocate of the
resolution of the conflict in Syria through a political process and on the
basis of Syria's territorial integrity. We will do our utmost to prevent
Syria from becoming a haven for terrorist organizations and an arena for
proxy wars. We will also accelerate our efforts to ensure the safe and
dignified return of the refugees to Syria.
We are the main defender of the territorial integrity and political
stability of another neighboring country, Iraq. To this end, we will
continue to support efforts to clear Iraq from terrorist organizations,
first and foremost from the PKK.
We wish to advance our relations with all countries in our region on the
basis of a positive agenda. We believe that the current positive atmosphere
offers a great opportunity to find solutions to contentious issues with our
neighbor Greece. We are sincere in this regard and we hope that the Greek
side will show the same sincerity.
On the other hand, our position on Cyprus, our national cause, is clear.
Our fundamental policy is the reaffirmation of the sovereign equality and
equal international status of the Turkish Cypriots.
We will continue to protect our rights and interests in the Aegean and
Eastern Mediterranean with sensitivity.
In view of the recent increase in coups and the ongoing instability in
Africa, we are taking precautionary steps towards establishing security and
ensuring peace. For a lasting peace in Libya, it is necessary to hold
transparent, fair, and free presidential and parliamentary elections
throughout the country, based on a broad consensus, without further delay.
Our processes of reconciliation and normalization in the Middle East and
South Caucasus have gained momentum. Based on our fundamental foreign
policy principles, we will seek to solve problems, increase the number of
our friends, and further strengthen our existing friendships.
For stability, peace, prosperity, and security in the South Caucasus, it is
necessary that the Türkiye-Armenia and Azerbaijan-Armenia processes
progress in a coordinated manner.
The only way to achieve a lasting peace in the Middle East is with a
two-state solution based on international parameters and with the
establishment of an independent, sovereign Palestinian state with East
Jerusalem as its capital. We will oppose any step which undermines this
vision and stand up against the provocations targeting our first Qibla, the
Al-Aqsa Mosque. We will continue to stand by our Palestinian brothers and
In the Balkans, which rest on a delicate balance, the country and the
political leader which all countries and nations jointly trust is Türkiye
and our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, respectively. The gravest mistake
which can be made in the Balkans is to portray Türkiye as an outside power
or, even worse, as an adversary, by developing hypothetical, unhistorical,
and unfounded concepts.
In an environment where EU and NATO memberships of all Balkan countries,
and Moldova and even Ukraine, are being discussed, the disruption of
Türkiye’s European Union membership process is a strategic blindness. In
the new era, it is important to address Türkiye-European Union relations
with a visionary approach, and revive the process with the perspective of
full membership. In line with President Erdoğan's call to revive Türkiye’s
European Union membership process, we would like to emphasize once again,
from this platform, that the European Union cannot truly be a global actor
without Türkiye.
In addition, we expect NATO to take care, in an equal manner, of the
security threats that all its members face, and of their concerns. In this
context, we reiterate our call to certain NATO countries to immediately end
their overt and covert cooperation with the PKK in Syria and Iraq.
Our second objective is to institute our foreign relations on a structural
basis. Achieving results in the current international system requires a
long-term effort; however, institutionalizing these achievements by making
them permanent in the international system is the more substantial and
challenging task. We will work to enhance the effectiveness of our existing
cooperation and alliance systems in the political, military, economic
spheres, and other areas.
The Organization of Turkic States, a visionary initiative embracing the
roots of our civilization, is an example of this institutionalization. We
will carry forward this initiative, which has led to enthusiasm in the
great Turkic world, in order to achieve further stages of integration. We
will also bring to life similar initiatives to deepen solidarity within the
Islamic world. Thus, we will render our technical cooperation capacity,
which has become a global brand, more systematic and effective.
We will make more efficient and productive use of our high-level strategic
cooperation councils and regional consultation mechanisms. In addition, we
will seek new alliances and partnerships, and enrich our foreign relations
and cooperation network. Guidance from our esteemed Ambassadors will be
extremely important at this point.
Our third objective is to develop an environment of prosperity. Our
contributions to regional peace, security, and stability will increase
prosperity. In the “Century of Türkiye,” we will strive to further
systematize and institutionalize the economic, commercial, and financial
pillars of our bilateral and regional relations. A strong, self-sufficient
economy, with access to global opportunities, is the greatest pillar of our
national strength. We will plan and pursue our foreign policy in a way that
supports these economic goals.
We will support the development of alternative financial and economic
instruments to ensure the financial security of our country and our region.
In this context, we will contribute to carrying out foreign economic
transactions in local currencies. We will implement policies to accelerate
the mobility of people, capital, goods, and services, starting with our
near abroad. We will also intensify our efforts to update the Customs Union
with the European Union, and ensure visa liberalization.
In line with our aim of becoming one of the top ten economies of the world,
we will develop and diversify our commercial and economic relations with
countries in all parts of the world. We will carefully play our part in the
foreign relations dimension of the measures needed to transform high and
critical technologies, including the defence industry, into the locomotive
of our economy. We will consolidate our position as a hub in the energy and
transportation corridors, and increase our connectivity capacity.
Regarding strengthening peace and prosperity in the region, we attach great
importance and support Iraq’s development road project. We will prioritize
connectivity projects such as the Trans-Anatolian
Natural Gas Pipeline
(TANAP) and the Trans-Caspian East-West Middle Corridor, which
constitute the most convenient and reliable routes in the fields of energy
and transportation. As such, we will make concrete contributions to the
energy and supply chain security of all the peoples in the region.
Our fourth objective is to contribute to the advancement of global targets.
Within this context, we will establish a more permanent and
institutionalized framework for our “Asia Anew Initiative,” and our Latin
America and Africa partnership initiatives. We will continue to contribute
to the solution of global problems for a fairer world order. As a nation,
we feel uncomfortable with global injustices. Our President voices the
position of Türkiye on this matter in all fora, stating that “the world is
bigger than five” and that “a fairer world is possible”.
Reforming the structures established after World War II has become a
necessity. We will continue our efforts to ensure a fairer representation
at the United Nations and other international organizations, and to
increase the effectiveness of these organizations. We will advocate for the
reform of international financial institutions in a way which will enable
the debt crisis to come to an end, and will provide for the establishment
of a framework for sustainable development. In line with the goals of net
zero emissions by 2053 and the “Green Development Revolution” announced by
our President, we will play our part in the struggle against the climate
change crisis. The Zero Waste initiative, which we have brought to life
under the leadership of our esteemed First Lady, has become a global policy
as of this year.
Dear Friends, I have shared with you the goals that we have identified
within the framework of our national foreign policy vision. These are goals
that only powerful countries like Türkiye can put on the agenda and
implement. History reveals to us that states that carry out their foreign
relations in a coordinated way, with multiple stakeholders, and in a very
disciplined manner, have a comparative advantage. Within this framework,
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will keep an inventory of our foreign
relations with all its dimensions, clarify our position regarding current
problems and strategic opportunities, and ensure coordination between our
ministries and institutions. Thus, it will be possible, as a state, to act
with one voice in our foreign relations. In this process, we will
strengthen all the means and capabilities of our Ministry and missions
abroad. We will elevate our country, which has one of the five largest
diplomatic networks of the world, even higher in this ranking. Everywhere
and all the time, we will stand by our citizens, kinspeople,
coreligionists, related communities, and other oppressed communities. We
will fly our glorious flag high, so that all who see Türkiye as their
homeland and all those who put their hopes in our nation will proudly see it
every time they raise their heads.
Dear Ambassadors, Esteemed Colleagues, our goals are ambitious on the path
that we have set out to serve our state and nation. Our greatest assurance
on this path is the work carried out by our esteemed and experienced
Ambassadors, with self-sacrifice and perseverance. As we pursue our
national foreign policy under the leadership of our President, we will
shoulder Türkiye’s cause, which is total independence. May all our heroes,
including our diplomats who were martyred while serving the state and our
nation, rest in peace.
I greet you and, through you, all my colleagues wholeheartedly, and I wish
you continued outstanding success. Thank you.