ACD was established as an intergovernmental forum in 2002 in order to
improve intracontinental cooperation among Asian countries and to ensure
coordination among different regional organizations
ACD, which is the first international organization covering the whole of
Asia, has 35 members from different regional organizations including ASEAN,
SAARC, CICA, OIC, GCC, Eurasian Economic Union and SCO.
The Ministers of Foreign Affairs, who meet annually, constitute the ACD’s
“higher body.” In the period between ministerial meetings, Foreign
Ministers hold working meetings in which they discuss implementation of the
projects and programs, exchange their views on key international and
regional issues on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session.
One of the recent milestones in the ACD's evolution was the launch of the
Asia Cooperation Dialogue Summit. The 3rd ACD Summit is planned
to be held in 2021 by Qatar.
Its Secretariat is in Kuwait.
Türkiye’s Membership:
Türkiye has become a member of ACD in 2013.
Türkiye is currently the Chair of the ACD for the term 2019-2020, which was
assumed on 27 September 2019.