Our Ministry previously announced the start given during our Minister’s visit to Tripoli on 30 May 2016 to the process of reopening the Turkish Embassy in Tripoli. This Embassy had been closed since 2014 due to deterioration in security.
Preparations supervised by our Ambassador to Libya, Ahmet Aydın Doğan (seated in Tunis until today) are now complete. As a result, activities of the Turkish Embassy in Tripoli have resumed today (30 January) with a reduced staff at the initial stage.
The Turkish Consulate General of the Republic of Turkey in Misurata has remained open without interruption until today and with the reopening of the Embassy in Tripoli, Turkey thus reinforces its presence in Libya.
While enjoying close historical bonds of brotherhood and friendship with Libya, Turkey embraces all segments of the Libyan people. The reopening of the Embassy will allow Turkey to make stronger contributions to efforts to build peace and stability, as well as reconstruction in Libya.
Turkey will continue to support the territorial integrity and national unity of brotherly Libya, as well as steps to be taken on the basis of the Libyan Political Agreement towards peace and reconciliation.