The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, and the President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, following bilateral talks during the working visit of President Nursultan Nazarbayev to Turkey on 13th of April 2016, on the eve of the 13th Islamic Summit to be held in Istanbul on 14-15 of April 2016,
Guided by the Strategic Partnership Agreement, signed on 22 October 2009 between the Republic of Turkey and Republic of Kazakhstan;
Sharing a comprehensive partnership that encompasses all political, economic and social aspects, as well as close relations between the peoples and civil societies of Kazakhstan and Turkey based upon common historical and cultural ties,
Remaining committed to facilitating and encouraging regular high level bilateral visits and political consultations, which play an important role in further developing bilateral relations and cooperation between Kazakhstan and Turkey,
Reaffirming commitment to the objectives and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the Charter of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, aimed at maintaining international peace and security and developing friendly relations and cooperation among States,
Being aware of the urgent need for joint efforts to counter global challenges and threats, economic problems, contradictions between confessions and civilizations, as well as the unprecedented growth of threat of terrorism, organized crime, migration and poverty,
Mindful of the fact that the Islamic world being in the epicenter of rapid transformation of international relations, is going through a dramatic period that includes many conflicts, deterioration of interstate relations, as well as decreasing level of cooperation between countries,
Expressing concern regarding the growing confrontation between a number of leading Muslim countries, threatening the unity of the Islamic Ummah and damaging Islamic solidarity,
Considering that unresolved historical problems, instability and the fight against terrorism consume enormous resources of the Muslim countries, which could have been otherwise directed towards achieving development goals,
Being convinced that the strict observance of the State’s obligation not to interfere in the affairs of any other State is an essential condition to ensure that nations live together in peace,
Considering equally essential for all States to solve their international disputes by peaceful means, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, and not to jeopardize international peace, security and justice,
Realizing responsibility for the peaceful and prosperous future for people of the world and guided by the desire to promote better relations among States and peoples and ensure conditions where people can live in genuine and lasting peace free from any threat to their security,
Emphasizing the importance of tolerance in international relations and the significant role of dialogue as a means to reach understanding, remove threats to peace and strengthen interaction and cooperation,
Noting the importance of the timing of the 13th Islamic Summit Conference of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in the Republic of Turkey, Istanbul, given the rising tensions and deepening of political, economic and humanitarian problems in various parts of the Islamic world,
Taking into account the overall theme of the 13th Islamic Summit Conference – “Unity and Solidarity for Justice and Peace,”
Have agreed as follows:
1. We reaffirm the basic principles of the United Nations and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on sanctity of national borders of states, on respect for territorial integrity, sovereignty, non-interference in internal affairs of other states, and on resolution of disputes and conflicts in interstate relations through peaceful negotiations.
2. We further reaffirm the commitment to the spirit of Islamic solidarity and call upon the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to develop a new paradigm of relations in the Islamic world by demonstrating goodwill and constructive approach towards issues of interstate relations and the resolution of conflicts and disputes.
3. We call upon the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to launch a process of reviewing the problems in interstate relations in the Islamic world, highlighting primarily common values and interests.
4. We call upon the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to support the Islamic rapprochement and to consider it as a new political platform for the Islamic Ummah in the coming years.
5. We welcome the central role of the United Nations and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in preventing international conflicts and resolving them by peaceful means, as well as the cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation with other international and regional organizations in promoting the process of the Islamic rapprochement.
6. We propose to give the Organization of Islamic Cooperation a role in advancing the process of the Islamic rapprochement and to request the Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to carry out a thorough analysis of the situation with a view to putting forward proposals for achieving the objectives of the initiative.
7. We propose the topic of the Islamic rapprochement to be a standing agenda item of the Council of Foreign Ministers Sessions and the Summits of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
8. We call upon the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to contribute to the practical implementation of the initiative of Islamic rapprochement by carrying out concrete steps to deescalate the tensions in international relations and resolve the accumulated problems through the creation of various consultation mechanisms, using the potential of diplomatic missions, inter-parliamentary dialogues, non-governmental organizations and developing confidence-building measures.
Istanbul, 13th of April 2016.