Resolution No:47/43-POL on the Fethullah Terrorist Organization (FETO)
The Forty Third Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers (Session of Education and Enlightment-Path to Peace and Creativity) held in Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, from 18-19 October 2016)
Recalling the objectives and the principles of the Charter of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, in particular, calling on Member States to cooperate in combating terrorism in all its forms and manifestations,
Taking into consideration the OIC-2025 Programme of Action adopted at the 13th Islamic Summit, prescribing the goal of establish counter-terrorism partnerships with a view to strengthening international efforts to combat all aspects of terrorism, and strengthen cooperation with States and international and regional organizations,
Guided by the Final Communiqué of the 13th Islamic Summit reiterating the Summit’s principled position against terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, whatever its motives, justifications, and source; affirming that combating terrorism is the responsibility of all Member States and the international community; and underscoring the need to adopt a comprehensive Islamic strategy to combat terrorism and extremism and for the OIC to play an effective role in international efforts to combat terrorism, in the framework of constructive cooperation with States and international and regional organizations and initiatives,
Aware of the objectives and principles of the United Nations on preventing and combating terrorism, the UN Counter-Terrorism Framework, including the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy,
Reaffirming its condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, as well as the need for Member States to take necessary measures to prevent the abuse of the work NGO’s by terrorists and terrorists entities,
Deeply concerned by the clandestine, illegal and covert methods, motives, activities and goals of the international network led by Turkish national Fethullah Gülen, organized in various legal covers and forms, which poses a risk and threat to the public order, legitimate state institutions, security and stability of Turkey, Islamic countries and beyond,
Taking cognizance of the fact that Turkey has legally classified Fethullah Gülen network a terrorist organization, which is largely composed of and directed by Turkish nationals subordinated to Fethullah Gülen, in and outside Turkey, in the face of grave threat to its constitutional order, state institutions, security and stability,
1. Strongly condemns the violent coup attempt, against the Constitution, President and Government of Turkey and its people, perpetrated on 15 July 2016, by an armed faction and their civilian collaborators belonging to the Fethullah Terrorist Organization (FETO),
2. Strongly deplores the death and injury of hundreds people, including civilians as a result of violent actions of the FETO coup plotters and expresses its solidarity with the Government and people of Turkey,
3. Congratulates the firm stance of Turkish people in defense of democracy and constitution by risking their lives, and welcomes the quick return of Government control to Turkey, whose security, stability and prosperity is vital to whole Ummah,
4. Declares its full solidarity with the Government and people of Turkey in its fight against Fethullah Terrorist Organization to ensure democracy, justice, security and unity,
5. Calls on Member States to take every necessary measure against the entities and groups, manned or directed by Turkish nationals, affiliated with the Fethullah Terrorist Organization and cooperate with Turkey to this end,
6. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of the present Resolution and report thereon to the 44th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers.