On the occasion of the World Humanitarian Day, we extend our gratitude and appreciation to the aid workers, who diligently maintain humanitarian aid efforts throughout the world under the most compelling conditions, and we commemorate with respect and gratitude those who have lost their lives in the course of these efforts.
Despite all efforts of international community our world, where the number of people in need, actually over 140 million increases every passing day, attacks against humanitarian aid workers never cease, humanitarian law violations become widespread and continue to remain unpunished, is still far from a secure and prosperous future in which humanitarian crises are not experienced.
It is a matter of urgent necessity that the commitments made at various platforms, including the World Humanitarian Summit hosted by Turkey, be met for improving this scene which is incompatible with modern world and also for grounding the efforts of humanitarian aid workers on a solid global system.
We believe that these efforts directed towards providing a future to all individuals in which they could dignifiedly live in peace and hope, could only be succeeded in global solidarity and determination.