The Extraordinary Session of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Council of Foreign Ministers will be held on 19 January, Thursday, in Kuala Lumpur upon Malaysia’s initiative in order to take up the humanitarian crisis faced by Rohingya Muslims following the violence erupted on October 9 in the north of Rakhine State in Myanmar.
Turkey will be represented by Deputy Foreign Minister Ambassador Ahmet Yıldız in the meeting which will take up the situation of the Muslims living in Rakhine State and the possible solutions.
Turkey approaches the situation of Muslims living in Myanmar with utmost care. Foreign Minister Çavuşoğlu went to the Rakhine State during his official visit to Myanmar on 13-14 June 2016 and got together with the Muslim community there.
The amount of the humanitarian assistance that Turkey has been providing to Myanmar through Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA), Turkish Red Crescent and Disaster and Emergency Management Agency (AFAD) has reached to 13 million Dollars since November 2012.