Difficulties in the fields of security and stability, conflicts and human rights violations in various regions of the world lead tens of thousands of people to involuntarily flee their homes and homelands every day.
Turkey, once a ‘source’ and ‘transit’ country for migration and refugee movements, has also become a ‘destination’ country in recent years with her developing economy. Indeed today, Turkey is the biggest refugee hosting country in the world.
Our country believes that this issue can be managed better with international cooperation and continues to fulfill her share of responsibility to improve the living conditions of refugees more humane.
Today, our country provides protection to more than 4 million people from different nationalities, including over 3.5 million Syrians and supports the provision of wide range of services to refugees from education to health and from social projects to access to labor market, without any discrimination. With her improved practices, Turkey has become a model country in terms of how to treat refugees and attracted attention and appreciation of the international community with this feature.
We are of the opinion that, besides neighboring countries, all other relevant partners should display sincere political will for strengthening the positions and self-reliance of the refugees and finding sustainable solutions to their problems and support the international system with the robust mechanisms and the follow-up of the commitments. In this context, our country actively contributes to the “Global Compact on Refugees” process, preparations of which are ongoing within the UN and is one of the leading countries directing the process.
On the occasion of World Refugee Day, we wish increase of awareness regarding the people’s problems who have to leave their homes involuntarily and strengthening of the international solidarity for the solution of these issues.