Resolution of the Turkish Grand National Assembly
15 July 1999
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation, the Turkish Grand National Assembly convened on 15 July 1999 with a special agenda.
Following the Plenary Session which took place with the participation of the President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, H.E Mr. Rauf R. Denktaş and representatives of the government and political parties of Turkey, the Turkish Grand National Assembly resolved to announce the following to the Turkish and international public opinion:
- The Cyprus Peace Operation, of which the 25th anniversary is being celebrated, has been undertaken with a view to end years long religous and ethnic cleansing of Turkish existence on the island, and in the face of a coup d'etat aimed at destroying Cyprus inorder to achieve annexation of the island to Greece. 25 years later, NATO was to carry out a similar operation in Kosova against the Serbs, thus testifying the rightfulness of the Cyprus Operation.
- We regret to see that some circles are unhappy of the gratifying fact that for the last 25 years there has been no bloodshed in Cyprus. These circles are continuosly engaged in developing designs and resorting to provocations. Notwithstanding these designs and provocations, the Turkish side is pursuing a peaceful and constructive approach.
- Along with Turkey, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus has invested enormous effort and good will to enable that a just and lasting settlement safeguarding the existence and security of the two sides in the island is achieved. In defiance of this, the Greek/Greek Cypriot front has not abandoned its policy of achieving Enosis and of returning to pre-20 July 1974 conditions. Furthermore, instead of engaging in talks with the concerned parties, the Greek/Greek Cypriot front has invited third party involvement, and each and every time has thus complicated the chances of reconciliation. Finally, the Greek Cypriot administration's accession application to the European Union and its processing has blocked the way to a settlement, and opened the door for Greece, through the European Union, to establish its presence in South Cyprus. This is not acceptable to the Turkish side.
- As a result of Greece's efforts to drag outsiders into the Cyprus question, the G-8 referred to the Cyprus issue in the final document at the Cologne Summit and issued almost in the form of an instruction an appeal to the United Nations. We condemn and reject this development.
- As a result of the Greek Cypriot side's violation of the Zurich and the London Agreements and its designs to annihiliate the Turks of Cyprus, two separate states have emerged in Cyprus. Unless this reality is acknowledged and equal treatment is accorded to the two states, a settlement cannot be achieved.
- The alarming proportions of the arms build-up in South Cyprus, construction of military air and naval bases in South Cyprus allocated to Greece and support extended to the PKK terror organization by Greece and the Greek Cypriot side, threaten peace and stability in the island and in the region.
- Turkey's guarantorship rights and strategic interests will always be preserved. The legitimate rights and interests of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, including that of statehood and security, will not be allowed to be undermined under any circumstances.
- In this most meaningful anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation, we applaud and support the determination of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to reach a just, viable and peaceful settlement. Unceasing and unconditional full support of the Turkish Grand National Assembly to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus will continue in the coming period. There should be no doubt about this.