Statement by Ambassador Necati Utkan, Spokesman of the Foreign Ministry in Response to a Question Regarding the Athens FIR (Unofficial Translation) January 5, 1999 Press Release on the Official Visit of the Secretary General of the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Unofficial Translation) January 5, 1999 Press Release Regarding the Threats Against the Members of the Turkish Diplomatic Missions In Athens (Unofficial Translation) January 8, 1999 Statement by Ambassador Necati Utkan, Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs In Response To a Question on the Greek Reaction Concerning the Athens FIR (Unofficial Translation) January 8, 1999 Statement by Ambassador Necati Utkan, Spokesman of the Foreign Ministry in Response to a Question Regarding Patriot Missiles January 14, 1999 Press Release On The Turkish Reaction Concerning The Massacre of 45 Innocent Kosovar Albanians (Unofficial Translation) January 17, 1999 Press Release Regarding The Recent Developments About Terrorist Chief Abdullah Ocalan (Unofficial Translation) January 17, 1999 Press Release On The Recent Developments In Kosova (Unofficial Translation) January 17, 1999 Press Release Regarding Health Problem Of The President Of The Republic Of Azerbaycan January 17, 1999 Press Release Regarding The Departure Of Terrorist Chief Abdullah Ocalan From Italy (Unofficial Translation) January 19, 1999 Press Statement Regarding The Meetings Which Cover The Relations Between Turkey And The Countries in South Asia, Far East and The Pasific Region January 24,;1999 Press; Release Regarding The Explosion At A Gasoline-Laden Oil Tanker In The Marmara Sea (Unofficial Translation) January 25, 1999 Press; Release Regarding The Sentence Of Mehmet Emin Aga (Unofficial Translation) January 29, 1999
Statement by Ambassador Necati Utkan, Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs In Response To a Question on the Greek Reaction Concerning the Athens FIR (Unofficial Translation) January 8, 1999

QUESTION - Can you comment on the Greek reactions which was widely covered by the press, regarding the statement of the the Ministry Spokesman, concerning the Athens FIR January 5, 1999?

ANSWER - It was expressed in our press release dated January 5,1999 that Greece had failed to fulfill its technical responsibilities within the Athens FIR. As a matter of fact, the Greek reactions appeared in press thoroughly confirmed the information and views contained in our press release. Presence of serious problems within the Athens FIR was confirmed particularly by the Greek Civil Aviation Authority.

It is noteworthy that, the Greek statements tried to reduce the problem down to a solely technical issue and vocalized that equipment deficiencies would be overcome in a short period of time.

Whereas, beyond technical deficiencies, the core issue here is misguided conception as well as personnel inadequacy and inefficiency.

Greece should, above all, alter its mentality and abandon its unfounded and inadmissible approach of considering FIR as if it is an area of sovereignty which is in contradiction with the international law, in order to fulfill its responsibility of providing services as required within the FIR.

Furthermore, while getting unnecessarily and politically occupied with the Turkish military flights in the Aegean international air space conducted by taking all necessary measures regarding the safety of civil aviation and without demanding any kind of service from the Greek authorities, Greece has, in fact, long been disregarding its essential duties for the Athens FIR.

Whatever the reason is, the international community can not accept deficiencies or mismanagement in providing international air traffic services which is a vital issue that concerns the safety of human life and property. In this vein, we would like to confirm that the Turkish civil aviation units are fully prepared to assume the duties of the Athens FIR air traffic control units.