NO:179, 4 October 2008, The attack by the PKK near the Turkish-Iraqi border has caused great outrage.

(Unofficial Translation)

The death of fifteen security personnel in the clashes following the attack by the separatist terrorist organisation against elements of the Aktütün Gendarmerie Frontier Company in the Şemdinli district near the Turkish-Iraqi border has caused great outrage.

Deeply condemning the dastardly attack which once again exposed the motives and viciousness of the separatist terrorist organisation, we wish God’s mercy on the fallen martyrs and we convey our condolences to their relatives as well as the Turkish Armed Forces, and express our hopes for a speedy recovery to those who were wounded.

This attack by the PKK from northern Iraq with heavy weaponry is a grave affair. The fact that the attack was launched from the north of Iraq and supported by heavy weapons indicates that the terrorist organisation is able to continue its activities in this region.

Demarches have been made to the Iraqi authorities and other concerned parties following the atrocity. Their obligations and responsibilities under international law have been emphasised and they have been requested that they take the necessary measures to apprehend the perpetrators and prevent any repetition of this incident.

We expect the Government of neighbouring Iraq to fulfil its responsibilities in this matter.

Necessary initiatives regarding Iraq and other concerned parties are continuing.