No: 321, 17 October 2014, Press Release Regarding the Elections for non-permanent Seats in the UNSC for 2015-2016 Period

The elections for the non-permanent seats of the UN Security Council for the term 2015-2016 where Turkey was also a candidate have been held today (16 October) in the UN General Assembly. Spain and New Zealand have been elected for the two seats allocated to the Western European and Other States Group at the elections.

Turkey, in line with the principles and objectives of the UN, will continue to make constructive contributions to the efforts aimed at the preservation of global peace and security. Turkey, which chairs the Global Forum on Migration and Development since 1 July 2014, will also assume the Presidency of the G-20 starting on 1 December 2014. Furthermore, Turkey will host the first-ever World Humanitarian Summit in May 2016.

Turkey will continue to support the endeavours towards the strengthening of the effectiveness, transparency and accountability of the UN Security Council in the face of challenges on the global agenda.